Meet Our Hosting Team
Helen Titchen Beeth | United Kingdom
After 30 years of living in Brussels and working for the European Commission as a linguist and gentle provoker of change (including seeding the practices of the Art of Hosting into the institutionalmetabolism), I have retired from organisational life and city living. I now live on a smallholding in the Flemish countryside (Belgium) in community with two close friends, where we practice conscious co-creation with nature and place, applying the principles and methods of permaculture.
As a fully paid-up member of the Kosmos, I say ‘yes’ to resonant calls to engage in or propagate evolutionary learning, both close to home and further afield. I have a special interest in practices that can foster the emergence of collective consciousness in groups and am particularly drawn to soul-centred collective practices (such as collective presencing and collective alchemy). It goes without saying that I am not doing this alone – I am engaged in a world-wide web of conversation, collective inquiry and co-creation with practitioners of various disciplines.
In recent years I have started to respond to a strong call to return to the Wild and rediscover my pagan roots as an indigenous European, spending more time in nature and in the company of other women.
I write at: Kosmos Journal I blog at: Integral Yeshe, Aquarian Conversations and Dorpsstraat
Ria Baek | Belgium
Ria’s first encounter with Art of Hosting was in 2004. She brought it to Belgium in 2006 and continues to learn more about it every day. Her special focus these days is on how we can apply the underlying principles to everyday situations in organisational contexts. Her antennae are always sensing into what is next, what unborn potential is present. She is excited by self-organisation and the emergence of the truly new. She also appreciates good theory and models. Grandmother of 7, Ria loves dancing and working in her organic garden. Percolab – Collective Presencing
Melinda Varfi | Hungary
Melinda believes in the power of communities and is passionate about helping them grow to
contribute towards a sustainable society. Having worked in different sectors – from education to trade development – she has found that the closest topic to her heart is sustainability. She has co-foundedImpact Hub Budapest, a global community based coworking office. She enjoys engaging with people in meaningful conversations about their environment and enabling them to recognise their own true power to make steps towards a more sustainable world. In the last 7 years she has been facilitating and designing such dialogues and processes with participatory methods such as Art of Hosting and Theory U.
Anton Valkov | Bulgaria
Anton is a sustainability consultant, activist and entrepreneur. He is one of the first practitioners of the Art of Hosting network in Bulgaria and caller of the first trainings in the country in 2013 and 2014. Anton works with variety of organisations helping them have more meaningful conversations, group processes and employee engagement. He has been part of several projects, most recently as founder of the Open Space Collective – a group of practitioners working and learning together. Anton is a co-owner of a cafe and event space in his home town of Plovdiv.
Eren Ahmet Ozturk | Turkey
Eren is a sustainability, learning and leadership practitioner, based in Istanbul. He is an
environmental engineer by training and holds a masters degree on Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability. He works for S360, a sustainability consultancy company and typically helps organizations through their sustainability journey, mostly focusing on triggering organizational and individual change towards sustainable organizations and communities. It is the point he uses lots of Art of Hosting and Harvesting methodologies and techniques, such as World Café, Open Space Technology, Design for Wiser Action, Appreciative Inquiry. Nowadays, he is apprenticing for a more participatory lifestyle.
Katus Bartos | Hungary
I am lucky to be working with a group of people who prioritise human connections at both SocialFokus and TomorrowPeople. Why is that important for someone working as a freelance digital marketer? Exactly that’s why
In the past 3 years I participated in trainings, Art of Hosting retreats and joined SocialFokus, all of which provided me with a skillset that is not only useful while I’m hosting workshops but is a part of my everyday life and how I approach marketing communication strategies as well.
At TomorrowPeople my main goal is not to give you some expensive creative idea but that to help you discover what you already know. You are the one who knows your audience and its needs the best and I can connect the dots and prioritise the resources.
At SocialFokus my main goal is to build connections between likeminded people, provide a space where we can help each other through the challenges that face socially and environmentally conscious businesses and people.
Judit Osika | Hungary
Judit started her journey in the world of Supply Chain Management when she found out that her real passions are people and creativity. In 2012 she got to experience for the first time about Art of Hosting and started to use its tools in facilitating learning experiences, productive team meetings and life style design conferences as a freelancer. She loves the philosophy of Ubuntu- “I am here because of you”. She seeks to be involved in co-creating experiences that benefit communities and the whole.
Steve Ryman | USA
Steve is a global nomad, often a Sacred Outsider, traveling the world, witnessing life’s unfolding, asking questions, listening and sharing stories, offering himself and his gifts where he can contribute. But most of all, he is continually learning what it means to be fully human and how to be more present in all situations. Steve has worked for 35 years in American healthcare facilitating innovation, collaboration and change process, and developing high performing work teams. As a practitioner and steward of the Art of Hosting Conversations, he has a particular interest in frontier areas of the world and in helping to build capacity and supporting newer practitioners in their learning. That has led him to work for the last 6 years in China, India, Vietnam, Africa and Europe with individuals, organizations and communities, helping them find innovative solutions to their challenges.
Meet Our Organizers

Melinda Várfi

Katus Bartos

Judit Osika

Miklós Vitai
Ready to Make a Change?